
Wednesday 5 September 2012

Creepy Creature report

Green Piggy Frog
Would you like to find out more about a weird creature called Green Piggy Frog?
He is only 15cm tall when he is a small adult.  His eyes are big, googly and green.  He can evenly balance his food on his long tail.  His fingers are opposable and his fur is as hard as carbon fibre.                                        
Piggy frog lives on Mt Matawhaura.  Piggy frog is a nocturnal creature so that’s easy for him to catch his green, fluidy prey.  You will find him in crystal caves but he only comes out at night.  His kingdom is in   Hawaii, its called Hula land.                                                             
His diet is only creepy, crawly creatures on massive Mt Matawhaura.  That is baby sharks, sea shells and lettuce and more.  He eats with his stripy, ticklish teeth.  The teeth tickle them to death.
Life Cycle
The piggy frog starts off by a river in an undersized, triangle egg.  He grows into a small hairless chicken.  Then he grows big and green into a massive, green creature called green piggy frog.  He is smaller than a tea cup.
Extra Fascinating Facts
Green piggy frogs can jump up to 20 metres high and 100 meters long.  His ears can make him fly, swim and fight.  Piggy frog’s body can heal all by itself.  When he is born his body judders and is see-through.  He scuttles across the base of his land to see if it is safe.  If it is not he will pound his predators, rip them apart and kill them.
The green piggy frog’s enemies are weird fozzie bears and black, fat pandas but he can munch them and slay them.  He infiltrates his prey.  His other enemy is Liam the lion.  He is too fast for his little, tiny feet.
I hope you never ever meet my weird creature in your whole life.  If you do, run!!!!  Run for your life until you’re out of sight!

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